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NBA 2K17全徽章攻略 全徽章说明及获得方法一览


Alpha Dog – Team leader who takes it uponhimself to lead his team to victory.

领袖 – 球队领袖将带领球队取得胜利视为自己的责任


Clutch Performer – Steps his game up in big gamesand big moments.

关键先生 – 在关键比赛和关键时刻中表现出色

Wildcard – A player who can be wildlyinconsistent.

神经刀 – 在球场上表现时好时坏的球员

Spark Plug – Come off the bench or comesout of timeouts making big plays that can energize his teammates.

火星塞 – 从一上场或暂停后回场时就能打出精彩表现并激励队友


Enforcer – Can wreak havoc on the floorwith tough and physical play.

执行者 – 能利用强悍的身体素质和强悍的球风肆虐球场。


Floor General – An offensive leader who canhelp his teammates play better on offense when he’s on the floor.

控球主将 – 一个进攻的发动者,只要他在场就能帮助队友打出更好的进攻


Hardened – Will play through fatigue& injury without experiencing a severe drop in skill.

硬汉 – 能够在疲劳和带有伤势的状态下打球,而球技不会受到太大影响


Defensive Anchor – Defensive leader who helps histeammates perform better defensively.

防守支柱 – 防守支柱能有效地提升队友的防守实力


Championship DNA – Can quickly see where doubleteams are coming from. Also steps up his game in playoff moments.

冠军基因 – 能够迅速感知到双人包夹会从何处向其发动。在季后赛比赛中也能表现出色。


Microwave – A player who heats up quickerthan most.

微波 – 一位能比大多数球员更能火热起来的球员。



Friendly – An outgoing andtypically well-liked player.

亲切友善 – 外向乐观且很受欢迎的球员。

Reserved – A quiet player that generallykeeps to himself.

沉默寡言 – 沉默寡言的球员相对内向,不擅与人交流

Legendary Work Ethic – First one to the gym, last one toleave and the hardest worker at all times.

传奇职业楷模 – 总是第一个到训练馆,最后一个走,永远是最勤奋的敬业努力家。

High Work Ethic -Works harder than the typicalNBA player.

兢兢业业 – 相比与其他球员,拥有更高的工作热情和职业道德

All-Time Great -Strives to be known as anall-time great.

名留史册 – 为名留史册而不懈奋斗的伟大球员。

Low Ego – Values team success more thananything.

无私 – 将球队的优胜作为第一优先事项

Keep It Real – Responds best to tough love.

坦言相对 – 在严厉的训导下表现良好

Pat My Back – Responds best when patted onthe back and coddled when spoken to.

好言相向 – 喜欢更倾向友善的言谈和交流

expressive – Has no problem expressing hisfeelings.

善於表现 – 能够轻鬆地表达他的感受


Unpredictable – Can be erratic in hisbehavior.

难以预料 – 比赛表现极不稳定,波动较大

Laid Back – Generally pretty chill at alltimes.

随性 – 随性的球员通常都能保持冷静,是个冷静的指挥官