《恐怖黎明》1003版更新内容 1003版有哪些更新
恐怖黎明 1003版更新内容 1003版有哪些更新 MOD工具
1、以下是官网论坛原文,由Zantai于发布于4月18日。(Zantai是Crate Entertainment公司员工,GD游戏开发人员。)
原文:Secrets of the Three
原文:Welcome back to GrimMisadventures. First, a brief update on the modding tools: we are currently inthe final stretch of testing as we work on resolving some new bugs. The moddingtools are on track for their release later this month!
原文:Along with the moddingtools are coming several fixes to game issues, as well as some techimprovements. Chief among them is a feature that’s been on our wish-list forDevotion for a long time. With v1.0.0.3, you can look forward to a major changeto the activation chances of Celestial Powers that allows them to scale withthe cooldown of the assigned skill. This means that skills with longercooldowns (ex. Doombolt) will have up to a 100% chance to trigger a CelestialPower where previously they may have had the same 15% chance of activating as aspammable ability. Overall, a huge boon to builds based around cooldownabilities.
原文:Following the moddingtools update, you can look forward to the Hidden Path, which is an upcomingfree content update for Grim Dawn, featuring new lore, new bosses and a newdungeon. With this update are also three new Monster Infrequents, four new Epicitems and two new Legendary items.
原文:How do you earn thesenew treasures? By following the path of the three Witch Gods: Bysmiel, Dreegand Solael. What secrets will you unveil? What knowledge do the Three keep?
原文:Like knowing what iscoming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/02/2016 for the next GrimMisadventure.