生化危机启示录2 贴图模型MOD文件修改方法图文教程
生化危机启示录2 贴图模型MOD文件修改方法图文教程
uPl2100 - Barry default
uPl2100Head - Barry head
uPl2140 - Barry stars
uPl2140Head - barry head
uPl2150 - Barry general DLC costume
uPl2150Head - barry head
uPl2160 - Barry no backpack
uPl2160Head - Barry head
uPl2200 - claire default
uPl2200Head - claire head
uPl2210 - claire with prison bracelet
uPl2210Head - claire head
uPl2240 - claire no jacket, goggles around her neck
uPl2240Head - claire head
uPl2250 - classic claire costume
uPl2250Head - claire head
uPl2260 - hillbilly claire
uPl2260Head - hillbilly claire head
uPl2270 - DLC winterjacket claire
uPl2270Head - claire head
uPl2300 - moira default
uPl2300Head - moira head
uPl2310 - moira default with prison bracelet
uPl2310Head - moira head
uPl2340 - moira with scarf and hip pouches
uPl2340Head - moira head
uPl2350 - ninja moira (Really...?!)
uPl2350Head - moira head
uPl2400 - natalia
uPl2400Head - natalia head
uPl2450 - DLC natalia teddybear costume
uPl2450Head - DLC natalia head
uPl2490 - debug natalia, includes head on body model
uPl2490Head - ?
uPl3110 - generic terrasave male
uPl3110Head - male head
uPl3210 - generic terrasave male (other one) with jacket over shirt
uPl3210Head - head of dude
uPl3310 - male with backpack and pouch belt
uPl3310Head - head
uPl3410 - man in tanktop
uPl3410Head - male head
uPl3500 - cloacked robotised person includes head
uPl3500Head - ?
uPl3610 - claire plain? with bracelet
uPl3610Head - head
uPl3700 - gina foley bloody
uPl3700Head - gina head bloody
uPl3710 - Gina foley (raid) clean
uPl3710Head - gina head clean
uPl5000 - re6 chris
uPl5000Head - re6 chris head
uPl5100 - re6 USA leon
uPl5100Head - re6 leon head
uPl5200 - rev1 jill
uPl5200Head - rev1 jill head
uPl5300 - re5 wesker midnight
uPl5300Head -re5 wesker head
uPl5400 - hunk
uPl5400Head - hunk head
uPl5500 - raid mode blank character (Cipher)
uPl5500Head - raid mode blank character (cipher)
1)把下载解压缩的 arctool.exe 与 pc-rev2.bat 放在一起。
2)游戏文件的 .arc 文件拖到 pc-rev2.bat 上就可以解包。不要删除相关文件的 .txt 文档,删除后是不能打包的。
3)解压后的 tex 文件是贴图文件,同样拖入到 pc-rev2.bat 上就可以转成 .dds 格式贴图。同样不要删除 生成的贴图文件文档。
3)解压出的相关文件夹拖到 pc-rev2.bat 就可以打包。.dds 文件拖入到 pc-rev2.bat 后就可以生成 .tex 文件。
我这用的是 3dsmax 2014 ,应该2014以下的3dsmax 都可以用。脚本不是完美的,导入后的模型权重有些是有问题的,编辑后导出没问题。
1)运行脚本,导入 mod 文件(最好把 .mod 文件单独复制出来).
2)然后编辑模型吧~ 不要删除骨骼和模型的权重骨骼,不需要模型优化。
3)参考点我进入,3dsmax 2014 模型骨骼一定要按顺序排列~ b001~b999 这样~

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