游戏之家 > 游戏库 > 博德之门



1. 打开游戏目录下的 Baldur.ini 文件(用写字板即可)

2. 找到 [Program Options]

3. 插入一句:Debug Mode=1

4. 保存 Baldur.ini 文件

5. 进入游戏,按 CRTL+SPACE 出现作弊码输入框



修改你的经验值,上限为 2,950,000





在修改之前建议先将重要文档做个备份,然后用任何文本编辑器打开 Baldur.ini 文档,找到以下的参数行:

[Program Options]


Debug Mode=1

保存退出,以后在游戏中只要按下 Ctrl 和 空格键 便能开启控制台,这样你就可以输入以下的密码了:

CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(amount) 给当前角色或者小组以指定的XP(注意上限是2950000)

CLUAConsole:AddGold(amount) 得到金钱

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("物品代码",数量) 得到指定数量的物品(注意在数量处没有逗号)




chan06--Drizzt‘s +4 Chainmail

leat08---镶钉皮革 +3:影子盔甲

plat05--全板 +1


shld04--中型盔甲 +1

shld06--大型盔甲 +1

shld17--小圆盾 +1

ring07--防御戒指 +2


brac14--护带 AC 4

clck02--护身斗篷 +2



staf08--武杖 +3

hamm08--战锤 +2

sw1h09--短剑 +2

sw1h40--玫瑰刀(长剑 +3 +2Cha)

sw1h49--忍术 +1

sw2h09--战刀(2-H sword +4)

bow18--短弓 +2

bow17--长弓 +2

slng03--投石器 +3

ax1h03--战斧 +2

halb03--戟 +2


等建立一个角色时你开启了 debug mode=1 或者 cheats=1 并且按下Ctrl、Shift和8则可获得最高状态。假如在这么做之前你的某些属性削减了一点,那么你要尽力提升到19(譬如精灵技巧)。


用记事本打开Baldur.ini文件,找到一个叫[Program Options]的标题,在这个标题下加上这么一行:Debug Mode=1,保存后退出.运行游戏,在游戏中按下Control+Space调出控制台.















代号 道具

amul01 Necklace of Missiles

amul14 Amulet of Protection +1

amul15 Shield Amulet

amul16 Amulet of Metaspell Infulence

amul17 Greenstone Amulet

amul19 Amulet of Magic Resistance 5%

amul20 Kaligun‘s Amulet of Magic Resistance 10%

amul21 Amulet of Power

amul22 Periapt of Proof Against Poison

amul23 Periapt of Life Protection

amul24 Necklace of Form Stability

amul25 Amulet of Spell Warding

代号 道具

arow01 Arrow

arow02 Arrow +1

arow03 Arrow of Slaying

arow04 Acid Arrows

arow05 Arrows of Biting

arow07 Arrows of Dispelling

arow08 Arrows of Fire

arow09 Arrows of Ice

arow10 Arrows of Piercing

arow11 Arrows +2

代号 道具

ax1h01 Battle Axe

ax1h02 Battle Axe +1

ax1h03 Battle Axe +2

ax1h04 Throwing Axe

ax1h06 Throwing Axe +2

ax1h08 Hangards Axe +2

ax1h09 Rifthome Axe +3

ax1h10 Azure Edge

ax1h12 Battle Axe +3: Stonefire

ax1h13 Battle Axe +3: Frostreaver


代号 道具

blun01 Mace

blun02 Flail

blun03 Flail +1

blun06 Morning Star

blun07 Morning Star +1

blun05 Mace +1

blun10 The Root of the Problem

blun12 Mace of Disruption +1

blun13 Flail +2

blun14 Flail of the Ages +3

blun15 Morning Star +2

blun16 The Sleeper +2

blun17 Wyvern‘s Tail +2

blun18 Skullcrusher +3

blun19 Mauler‘s Arm +2

blun20 Ardutia‘s Fall +1

blun21 Mace +2

blun22 Club +3: Blackblood

blun23 Bone Club +2, +3 vs Undead

blun24 Club +2: Gnasher


代号 道具

bolt01 Bolt

bolt02 Bolt +1

bolt03 Bolt of Lighting

bolt04 Bolt of Biting

bolt05 Bolt of Ploymorphing


代号 道具

boot01 Boots of Speed

boot02 Boots of Stealth

boot03 Boots of the North

boot04 Boots of the Avoidance

boot05 Boots of Grounding

boot07 Boots of Elvenkind

boot08 Boots of Phasing

boot11 Boots of Etherealness

代号 道具

bow01 Composite Long Bow

bow02 Composite Long Bow +1

bow03 Long Bow

bow04 Long Bow +1

bow05 Short Bow

bow06 Short Bow +1

bow07 Long Bow of Marksmanship

bow09 Ripper +2

bow10 Heartseeker +3

bow11 Strong Arm +2

bow12 Elven Court Bow +3

bow13 Mana Bow +4

bow14 Tuigan Bow +1

bow15 Tansheron‘s Bow +3

bow16 Composite Long Bow +2

bow17 Long Bow +2

bow18 Short Bow +2

bow19 Short Bow of Gesen


代号 道具

brac01 Bracers of Defense AC 8

brac02 Bracers of Defense AC 7

brac03 Bracers of Defense AC 6

brac04 Bracers of Archery

brac06 Gauntlets of Ogre Power

brac07 Gauntlets of Dexterity

brac09 Gauntlets of Weapons Skill

brac10 Gauntlets of Weapon Espertise

brac11 Bracers of Binding

brac13 Bracers of Defense AC 5

brac14 Bracers of Defense AC 4

brac15 Bracers of Defense AC 3

brac16 Bracers of Blinding Strike

brac17 Gloves of Pick Pocketing

brac18 Gloves of Missile Snaring

brac19 Gauntlets of Crushing

brac20 Gloves of Healing


代号 道具

bull01 Bullet

bull02 Bullet +1

bull03 Bullet +2

bull04 Sunstone Bullet +1

bull06 Bolt +2


代号 道具

chan01 Chain Mail

chan02 Chain Mail +1

chan03 Chain Mail +2 Mail of the Dead

chan04 Splint Mail

chan05 Splint Mail +1

chan06 Chain Mail +4: Drizzt‘s Mail

chan08 Chain Mail +2

chan09 Chain Mail +3: Darkmail

chan10 Chain Mail +4: Jester‘s Chains

chan11 Chain Mail +5: Crimson Chain

chan12 Elven Chain Mail

chan13 Elven Chain +1

chan14 Elven Mail +2: Sylvan Mail

chan15 Chain Mail +3: Melodic Chain

chan16 Chain Mail +4 Bladesinger Chain

chan17 Splint Mail +2: Ashen Scales

chan18 Splint Mail +3: Armor of Faith


代号 道具

clck01 Cloak of Protection +1

clck02 Cloak of Protection +2

clck03 Cloak of Displacement

clck04 Cloak of the Wolf

clck06 Cloak of Non-Detection

clck09 Mage Robe of Cold Resistance

clck10 Mage Robe of Fire Resistance

clck11 Mage Robe of Electric Resistance

clck12 Knave‘s Robe

clck13 Traveller‘s Robe

clck14 Adventurer‘s Robe

clck15 Robe of the Good Archmagi

clck16 Robe of the Neutral Archmagi

clck17 Robe of the Evil Archmagi

clck20 Cloak of The Shield

clck23 Cloak of Elvenkind

clck24 Cloak of Reflection

clck25 Cloak of Stars

clck26 Cloak of Mirrors

clck27 Cloak of Sewers

clck29 Robe of the Apprenti


代号 道具

xbow01 Heavy Crossbow

xbow02 Heavy Crossbow +1

xbow03 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +5

xbow04 Light Crossbow

xbow05 Light Crossbow +1

xbow06 Light Crossbow of Speed

xbow07 Heavy Crossbow +2

xbow08 Giant Hair Crossbow +3

xbow09 Light Crossbow +2

xbow10 Necaradan‘s Crossbow +3

xbow13 Crossbow of Affliction

xbow14 Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1


代号 道具

dagg01 Dagger

dagg02 Dagger +1

dagg03 Dagger +2

dagg05 Throwing Dagger

dagg12 Fire Tooth +3

dagg13 Pixie Prick +3

dagg14 Bone Blade +4

dagg16 Poison Throwing Dagger

dagg19 Dagger of...

dagg17 Stiletto of Demarchess +2


代号 道具

dart01 Dart

dart02 Dart +1

dart03 Dart of Stunning

dart04 Dart of Wounding

dart05 Asp‘s Nest


代号 道具

belt02 Golden Girdle

belt03 Girdle of Bluntness

belt04 Girdle of Piercing

belt05 Girdle of Gender

belt06 Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

belt07 Girdle of Stone Giant Strength

belt08 Girdle of Frost Giant Strength

belt09 Girdle of Fortitude

belt10 Belt of Inertial Barrier

代号 道具

halb01 Halberd

halb02 Halberd +1

halb03 Halberd +2

halb04 Dragon Bane +3

halb05 Dragon‘s Breath +4

halb06 Blackmist +4

halb08 Halberd +2 Darkblade

halb09 Halberd +4: Wave


代号 道具

helm03 Helm of Glory

helm04 Helm of Defense

helm05 Helm of Infravision

helm06 Helm of Charm Protection

helm07 Helm of Balduran

helm16 Helm of Brilliance

helm17 Skull of Death

helm21 Dragon Helm


代号 道具

leat01 Leather Armor

leat02 Leather Armor +1

leat03 Leather Armor +2: Protector of the Second

leat04 Studded Leather Armor