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《收获日2》【大师之作(Masterpiece)】成就解锁条件是什么呢,许多玩家还不太清楚,下面小编就为大家带来一篇“Es Mi Turno”分享的大师之作成就解锁攻略,希望对各位有所帮助。





备注:0头/1头+2头/3头及以上的难度巡逻保安的数量分别为4/5/6 个,大厅前台1个站桩的保安,如果玩家在没进入画廊前试图从厕所撬门进入,则有15%的几率额外刷新出一个保安,所以先从大厅开门进去一下触发进入画廊的任务目标后再从厕所撬门就不会刷新出新保安。回答4个对讲机之后会出现1名增援保安, 1 stationary lobby guard, 1 stationary guard in security room. 15% chance for a guard to spawn at the bathroom door when a player gets close to the door. +1 spawn who will patrol to the main entrance, then patrol to 3 random waypoints which can be located at the building entrance and on the roof, then move in front of the main entrance before leaving forever (as far as I can tell, due to the randomness it is possible that he just picks 3 waypoints around the entrance and never goes on the roof).