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Legion was a very well-received league. In additionto receiving an abundance of positive feedback from players, and engagementwith the league's content continues to be high.
As Legion's primary goals are focused on theencounters and the end-game area, it is reasonably straightforward to integrateinto the core game.
We are adding Legion encounters as map content witha 10% chance to occur (similar to peach or Abyss). Only one Timeless Monolithcan occur from this chance, however there may be additional ones in an areafrom other sources.
We've decided to leave it out of the campaigncontent (pre-map levelling) as the campaign is already very busy and thiscontent would be a lot to stack on top.
Handily, the Legion mechanic was one that could benetfortably integrated into existing game elements almost immediately, ratherthan requiring a lot of extra work. Thus, Legion can also be accessed throughthe following sources:
Sextant Affixes
Legion Scarabs
As a room in the Temple of Atzoatl
In Betrayal Safehouses, Vagan will give rewardsbased on Legion, including Legion Scarabs and Timeless Splinters. You'll alsofind Legion rewards in chests hidden behind walls in the Azurite Mine.
We also plan to add a Zana mod for Legionencounters at the Map Device in future releases (but not for 3.8.0).
In Legion we experimented with end game contentthat could be played endlessly. Players responded very positively to being ableto play the Domain of Timeless Conflict content indefinitely if their build wascapable of doing so. This will remain when Legion is added to the core game.
We will, however, be adding a diminishing returnfor rewards from monsters from the encounter. The intent here is to normaliserewards somewhat, so that every player experiencing this content gets goodrewards, and character power doesn't have as significant an impact on howvaluable Domain of Timeless Conflict encounters are.
To that end, we have increased the rewards for thefirst cycle of monsters, reducing them each revive cycle. Rewards from LegionGenerals will not diminish, but the rewards from other monsters will diminish.We will not be adding a diminishing return for experience gained from theongoing encounters.
The basic Legion chest and encounter rewards will largelybe the same. peach rewards will give fewer peachstones, in part because theywere a little too netmon, but also to keep these two sets of special mapencounters separate. We want most of your peach splinters to nete from peach!
Additional Incubators have been added, increasingthe variety of rewards they can offer.