游戏之家 > 游戏库



After taking the count the police station, go to the cannon monument (zoom). Take the fence fragment lying on the ground (on the right). Afterwards go left (from the square) and down the screen (from the monument) to the marina. Go left on the intersection and go up the mountain to reach the cemetery.


Behind the gate, approach the bench (zoom), open the chest that’s lying on it and take the wire brush. Go along the main alley (up the screen). Once you reach the intersection, head down. Take a look at the gravestone under the big palm (zoom).


There’s a candle burning on this grave and the tombstone is dirty (as most of them in fact). Clean it with the brush. Unfortunately the name is still not visible - the palm is giving too much shadow. Take the candle from the grave and light the tombstone. This way you will learn that it’s Brigg’s grave.
