我的世界中国版主机平台1.10版本发布 大家圣诞快乐
你是不是觉得最近的PC/Mac和携带/Win 10版更新把你丢下了,主机玩家们?啊喔,不用伤心,圣诞节马上就到了,圣诞老人也许(如果你听话的话)会给你带点橘子什么的。
Are you feeling a bit left because of our recent PC/Mac and Pocket / Windows 10 updates, console kids? Aww. There's no need to be sad. Christmas is just around the corner. And (if you've been well-behaved) Santa might bring you a tangerine or something.
Also... we've just released a big update for all console editions of Minecraft!1!1
This one features a wide range of Minecraft goodness from new mobs to fresh status effects. We've also revamped The End - take a visit to that mysterious place after updating and you might find End Cities, End Ships and a netplete gamechanger known as Elytra - they which will give you a whole new perspective on your world.
Here’s the full changelog:
末地:末地世界大幅修改 - 末地船,末地城
New mobs: Shulker, Stray Skeleton, Husk Zombie, Skeleton Trap Horses
New Blocks: Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Dragon Head, End Gateway, End Rod, Purpur Block,
Purpur Pillar, Purpur Stairs, Purpur Slab
New Items: Chorus Fruit, Chorus Fruit, Dragons’s Breath, Elytra, End Crystal, Lingering Potion, Water Splash Potion, Popped Chorus Fruit, Potion of Luck, Tipped Arrow; Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak boats
New Status Effects: Levitation, Luck
The End: significant changes to The End dimension – End Cities, End Ship
Crafting: UI updated to allow crafting fireworks, similarly to how Banners are crafted
Brewing: changed to include a slot for Blaze Powder
Tutorial: new Tutorial world, including tutorials for Banners and Elytra
Alongside all of that excitement, we’ve also released a bunch of new mash-up packs, maps, and skins for each console edition. Click through the illustrative images below for all the info!
节日战斗地图可以通过$1.99单独购买,或者作为Merry Bundle的一部分购买。一场激烈的战斗最能体现节日气氛了!
Merry Bundle可以在Xbox与PlayStation版中使用$6.99购买。包括节日主题包,皮肤包和战斗地图。
同时我们也将在Xbox和Wii U版本上发布《神秘博士》皮肤包。每个售价$2.99,合集售价$5.49。这些也已在PlayStation主机上上线。
这是Minecraft在PlayStation版的第三个生日,也是Wii U上的第一个。为庆祝,我们推出了一套免费皮肤:穿着他们最爱装束开发者们的形象。
在2014年那个著名的“事故”之后,Daniel Kaplan被禁止在办公室骑猪了。虽然这过程很好玩,并且影响了Minecraft:故事模式的第一季结局。
Owen Jones
2016年12月21日 发布