游戏之家 > 游戏库 > 无人深空

无人深空1.3版本更新内容 无人深空8月11日更新什么


30 hours of branching story and deeper lore


Procedurally generated guild missions


Much deeper interstellar trading


Star Systems have varying wealth, conflict and economies


Overhauled Space netbat controls, weapons and AI


Portal stargates enable quick travel


Terrain manipulation for more netplex bases


New farming and mining interactions bring increased depth


Increased biome variety and Rare exotic biomes


Analysis visor & discovery improvements


Galaxy map and many other UI improvements


New S Class ship designs


Low altitude flight and the ability to crash your ship

·低空飞行现在能击毁你的船 (官网看了下,现在低空能够狗斗了

Crashed Freighters to salvage on planets


Joint exploration

无人深空1.3版本更新内容 无人深空8月11日更新什么